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Earl & Ethel Harvey; 1955 Golden Wedding Anniversary
Darrel & Charlie Harvey with sheep wagon
Charlie & Maxine Harvey with sheep wagon
Darrel & Earl Harvey Place
Earl & Ethel Harvey not long after their marriage
Back Row-Arthur & Nina Harvey, Front Row-Charles & Earl Harvey
Earl Harvey
Maxine & Connie (5 Mo.) Harvey, January 15, 1951
Maxine (Watson) Harvey, Connie & Darrel Harvey
Ethel (Harvey) & Mabel Cross (sisters)
Mrs. & Mr. Bud Callaham; Inez, Darrel, Elma Harvey; Francis Galyen; Lorrene Hopkins 1987
Back Row: Earl Harvey, Spike Schuppan, Vernon & Darrel Harvey. Middle Row: DeVota Van Pelt; Ethel Harvey; Elma, Opal, Maxine, Inez Rohrs. Front Row: Richard Harvey, Gary Rohrs. F Front Row: Bob Harvey
Harvey Grandchildren—Back Row: Jerry, Rich & Larry Harvey; Gary Rohrs. Front Row: Sharon & Karen Grant:, Bob, Doug & LeRoy Harvey.
Earl & Ethel Harvey’s grandchildren: Gary & Rich in back row, Connie in stroller.
Vernon Harvey; Inez (Harvey) Rohrs & baby Wayne Rohrs; Darrel Harvey
Floyd (Spike) Schuppan & Darrel Harvey
Bob, Doug & LeRoy Harvey
Cousins: Doug Harvey & Connie Harvey
Darrel Harvey on Keno & Vernon Harvey on Smokey
Darrel, Bob, Maxine & Connie Harvey: 1955
Darrel & Maxine Harvey 1988 50th Wedding Anniversary
Darrel & Maxine Harvey, 25th Wedding Anniversary; 1963
Maxine, Bob & Darrel Harvey; November 1943
Bob, Maxine, Connie & Darrel Harvey, November 1950
Darrel & Bobby Harvey
Darrel & Connie Harvey
Bob Harvey on Babe
Darrel Harvey on “Old Dan” going to the Cliff Noyes place to farm
Darrel Harvey on Wrangler
Darrel & Bob Harvey with “Rocket”
Bob, Sharon, Dale, Linda & Shawn Harvey
Jerry & Connie Soule
Bob Harvey
Harvey’s at Christmas 1987. Back Row Dale, Shelley & Sharon Harvey, Jerry & Wade Soule, Middle Row Bob, Maxine, Darrel Harvey & Connie Soule, Front Row Shawn Harvey, Kimberly Soule, Linda Harvey
Darrel & Harlene Harvey, 2nd wife of Darrel 1997
Kimberly & Wade Soule
Darrel, Maxine, Bob & Connie Harvey
Bob Harvey on “Tammy”
Earl Harvey on right